King of the Currumpaw

Art, Nature, Literature, Philosophy, and Wolves

Month: January, 2014

New Art for Cobblestone

Here’s a preview of one of three illustrations I did for the January issue of Cobblestone magazine which discusses the role of the cavalry in the Civil War. This particular one depicts Jeb Stuart at the moment he is shot. It was my first digitally rendered professional job.

One image featured Nathan Bedford Forrest. I had mixed feelings depicting the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan without a mention of his infamous reconstruction era activities in the article. I did attempt to depict him as crazed as was acceptable to the editor and art director (he is not featured here). Controversy still revolves around his persona with a petition currently underway to change the name of a Florida school named after him. There are also several statues in his honor including one in Mississippi and one in Alabama. Maybe we’re still “reconstructing”.

The Death of the Big-Footed Mouse Camel, Last of the Noumenons

My daughter and I collaborated on this painting for an upcoming exhibition at the Regional Arts Center that explores the theme of Monsters. I will have two works in the show. My daughter invented the animal (A Big-Footed Mouse Camel) on my request and produced a rough sketch. I filled in the rest. The video was more work that it is worth, but nevertheless kind of fun. The music is Sigur Ros from their ( ) album.