King of the Currumpaw

Art, Nature, Literature, Philosophy, and Wolves

Category: Commissioned

New Work

Below are two spreads from a children’s book due out in May, 2020.

New Art for Cobblestone

Here is a look at some art done for an article about Benjamin Rush and George Washington for a history magazine. The first image shows the final art, then a shot of the work in progress, and then the sketch.




Last of Four Issues for Cricket

Here are two of the three last illustrations I did for a four part story for Cricket Magazine called Nodi and the Romans. I enjoyed this process which went smoothly for the most part.


Continuing Project for Cricket

New Work

Here is one of the illustrations from a 4 part series for Cricket (copyright). Part two is in the March issue. I had a lot of fun with this one…

Nodi ART Merge 004 Small

Latest Commissioned Work

The last in a series of four, the Bluegill school painting was commissioned by Badger Printing as promotion for the 2017 Spring fishing opener. Room was left on the top and bottom for text and logos.

2017 Bluegill SMALL 3 10

Work for Dunbarton Oaks

A reconstruction of a bedecked elder as he may have appeared has preoccupied my artistic time lately, based on a site in modern day Panama at Sitio Conte. I am pleased to have collaborated with a colleague on these which were painstaking in their requirements for accuracy of detail, particularly in the ornaments, pendants, and jewelry.


Recent Commission

LMB Demo 027

New Work

Here is a recently completed book cover commission for a young adult series with a western theme.

Morning Star and the Giants

Really enjoyed illustrating this Native American myth from the OK Spiro tribe on the origins of their game, Chunkey. I also got to use some new brushes…

Morning Star and the Giants PTG Small Cropped for Blog